628661 Norcold PC Board
This will work on some model #'s: 1200LR, 1200LRBK, 1200LRIM, 1200LRIMBK, 1200LRIMBKD, 1200LRIMD, 1200LRIMSS, 1200LRIMSSD, 1200LRSS, 1201LRIM, 1201LRIMSS, 1201LRIMSSD, 1201LRIMWPM, 1210ACIM, 1210ACIMSSD, 1210ACSS, 1210ACIMD, 1210, 1210BK, 1210IM, 1210IMBK, 1210IMBKD, 1210IMD, 1210IMPFS, 1210IMSS, 1210IMSSD, 1210SS, 1211IM, 1211IMSS, 1211IMWPM, 1211WPM, 2117IM, 2117IMD, 2117IMSS, 2117IMSSD, 2117IMWPM, 2117IMWPMD, 2117IMBK, 2117IMBKD, N1095, N1095BK, N1095IM, N1095IMBK, N1095IMSS, N1095SS, N1095V, N1095BKV, N1095IMV, N410, N410.3, N412, N412.3, N510, N510.3, N512, N512.3, N610, N611, N611F, N621, N621F, N623, N624, N640.3, N640.3F, N641, N641.3, N641.3F, N641BK, N641F, N641IM, N641IMF, N641SS, N641SSF, N641IMBK, N641IMSSF, N810, N811, N811F, N814F2, N811V, N821, N821F, N821V, N822, N822F, N823, N824, N841, N841.3, N841.3BK, N841.3F, N841.3SS, N841BK, N841BKV, N841F, N841IM, N841IMBK, N841IMF, N841IMSS, N841IMSSF, N841IMV, N841SS, N841SSF, M842, N842F, N842IMM N842IMF, N842IMSS, N842IMSSF, N842SS, N842SSF, N843IM, N843IMF, N843IMSS, N843IMSSF be sure you have confirmed part number of your PC board part number to match this one.
PLEASE NOTE: This may not be the applicable part number for your model, even if listed above for that model. Due to extensive factory changes in power boards, optical displays, and gas valves, it is essential the model number are verified to obtain the correct part along with the part number from the PC Board you are replacing..