The most important way for getting your RV refrigerator to cool correct, is good flow of air through the condenser fins. Fans are not used to remove heat from the compartment, they are only used to increase air flow through the condenser fins. Most RV refrigerators need the increased air flow when the outside temps reaches 85 degrees or higher.
NOTE: For shipping, The thermostat we will need to know, would be a surface mounted style, but we will need answer rather you will be using this kit for the Amish Brand-new cooling unit as it will require a different switch style to the OEM units or if you are mounting this kit on the back side of an OEM cooling unit or a remanufactured cooling unit since all other fan switches would be listed as OEM style. temps to activate Fan automatically turning ON at temp set by the fan switch type not weather air temp.
Fan over all size and Specs.
4 3/4 by 4 3/4 by 1 1/4
RPM 2300
Amp 0.25
DC voltage up to 13.7v
DC Brushless
Ball bearing
Fans can be mounted in any way you want, regardless where or how they are mounted the flow of air goes through the condenser fins.
These FANs are a great add-on for any refrigerator in a slide out room to help the air to exit out the upper vent if you make a baffle to close the gap from the RV wall to the condenser fin so not wasted air is lost bypass going through the condenser fin and you can zip tie one of the 12032 fans to the Vent door. If not in a slide out, both fans would go below the condenser fins blowing straight up though the fins.